Microsystem Technology (given in English language)


Due to the COVID-19 situation, this semester the lecture will be given as an online course.

All further information regarding the lecture will be announced via Moodle. It would be best practice for you to check in this course every week to get all news.

To access this Moodle course a registration is required. Please contact the secretary telsek@ina.uni-kassel.de or 0561-804-4885 to get a password by phone for this.

Moodle is not the same as HIS. You have to register for the exam via HIS.


The lectures are held on-line via Zoom (you are participating via Zoom), they are recorded and uploaded here. In addition, videos of lectures from past years are also uploaded to Uni Video and the links will be available here (see below).

The Zoom on-line lecture is always on Monday 14-18h, starting from 8th of June. You find the Zoom links as well as both types of recorded lectures (Zoom and Videos) in Moodle.

The lecture slides in PDF format remain uploaded in Moodle and will stay there together with all lecture videos and Zoom recordings.

So, you will get access to:

- Live lecture (via Zoom - extern link; Starting date: 8th June 2020 at 16 o’clock.)

- Recordings of live lectures

- Manuscripts

- Drawings, tables, … etc. from live Lecture

- Recorded lectures from the past (Uni Video - extern Links)

*Please follow the rules for an efficient lecture, as long as you have no questions, switch your microphones to mute.


Course targets:

To learn basic principles of micromachining, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and optical MEMS. The lecture emphasizes lasers as a special kind of actuators and focusses on:

  • photonics: optical ways to optimize the operation of devices, sensors, actuators and systems
  • methodology, interdisciplinary aspects, future perspectives and market vision.