Optoelectronic Devices (given in english language in winter semester)


Due to the COVID-19 situation, this semester the lecture will be given as an online course.

All further information regarding the lecture will be announced via Moodle. It would be best practice for you to check in this course every week to get all news.

To access this Moodle course a registration is required. Please contact the secretary telsek@ina.uni-kassel.de or 0561-804-4885 to get a password for this.

Moodle is not the same as HIS. You have to register for the exam via HIS.



The lectures will be held live via Zoom. The link to access to the lecture will be uploaded in Moodle.

A video tutorial - how to participate in the event - can be found at:


Please follow the rules for an efficient lecture, as long as you have no questions, switch your microphones to mute.

The Zoom lectures will be recorded and are available on Moodle. The lecture slides in PDF format are also uploaded in Moodle and will stay there.


Course targets

To learn basic principles of optoelectronic devices and systems, structure and operating principles of optoelectronic components. Not only simple facts and tools are presented, but considerable emphasis is also put on methodology. The engineer should learn to solve basic problems in optoelectronics. In other words: looking into the successful solutions of nature is a promising approach for an advanced working engineer.