This course introduces students to the basic concepts and current trends in the science and practice of agroforestry systems in temperate and tropical regions. Students will learn the basic concepts, principles, and drivers associated with agroforestry practices. A number of external speakers with diverse backgrounds will develop seminars focused on case studies of agroforestry in specific contexts, from a multidisciplinary and innovative perspective.

Students will learn about the different biophysical relationships, and the benefit effects on humans and the environment. The socio-cultural systems that influence the management and sustainability of these systems will also be highlighted, as well as current challenges related to global and social change.

An own design of an agroforestry system (in groups of 2-3) with written explanation and presentation will complete the module and as an exam performance will show if the principles covered in the course have been understood and can be implemented.

The course is structured in three parts. An introductory part focuses on methodological principles of participation in sustainability science, paying particular attention to the role of transdisciplinary and power relations.

A second part, which covers most of the module, presents a broad suite of different participatory methods for sustainable landscapes management and land-use conflict resolution. Across these sessions, the full process of participatory research will be addressed, from the research design phase, actors mapping and engagement, organization and facilitation, to the analysis, integration and presentation of the outcomes. Students will be asked to select a participatory method and write a short review about its strengths and weaknesses.

In the third part of the course, which will run in parallel to the rest, students will work in groups choosing and designing a protocol for a participatory research project, applied to a specific geographical location and a specific problem, and share the insights of the process with the class.

Agrarlandschaften sind einem rapiden sozialen und ökologischen Wandel ausgesetzt (u.a. durch Klimawandel, sich ändernde gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und technische Fortschritte). Partizipative Szenario-Techniken können helfen, diesen Wandel zu verstehen und aktiv zu gestalten. Das Projektseminar diskutiert gegenwärtige Triebkräfte des Agrarlandschaftswandels und die vielfältigen (und miteinander konfligierenden) gesellschaftlichen Werte von Agrarlandschaften. In Kleingruppen werden Sie mit allen Arbeitsschritten der Szenario-Entwicklung vertraut gemacht und wenden diese Technik auf eine örtliche Agrarlandschaft und deren Akteur*innen an. Das Modul bietet die Gelegenheit, Techniken der partizipativen Szenario-Planung zu erlernen und zu erproben. Hierzu wenden wir die Szenario-Technik auf die Situation von Agrarland von hohem Naturschutzwert in der Region an.