Title: Creative Ecologies

The understanding of the changing nature and ecological conditions in the Mediterranean region is considered as a territory of investigation that explores the scenario of the uncertainty of the next future. The interpretation of natural flows and their influences on various scales on the urban and natural environment, calls for a multidisciplinary approach that is able to respond to future challenges. 

The studio will investigate the role of hybrid blue and green infrastructure into a strategic territory, and the constructed ecological network as an economical, social environmental space of relations. 

The main questions we would raise and explore are related to rethinking these areas starting from ecological patterns and sustainable common possibilities. 

The studio is focused on the Mediterranean cases of the city of Taranto and its strong relation with the waterscape. Important commercial port, industrial cities with an ancient historical background is a paradox and extreme example of coexistence between nature and human. Here, the industrial and post-industrial character strongly merges with a multifaceted natural green and blue system that defines a fragile but unique landscape.

The future establishment of the “Regional Park of Mar Piccolo” is considered a great opportunity to rethink the whole city, starting from a regional natural infrastructure as a new trigger to define new symbioses between communities and nature.  

The studio begins with mapping larger-scale systems such as hydrology, infrastructure mobility, topography, natural patterns related to this area. In the second step, the students will be asked to define experimental and ecological strategies that will lead to a final phase of design implementation on a smaller scale. 

 During the whole course, online critics will be joined by theoretical and case studies lectures. 

(If there would be the opportunity a workshop will be organized in the City of Taranto)


. date and time of your first meeting: 21 October 14.00 – 18.00 

. preferred weekday of your course: Thursday afternoon


The participatory approach to spatial planning aims at organising a collective decision-making process, in which anyone having a stake in the proposed intervention, either in person or via representation, can make their voice heard. Different target groups, stakeholders, community representatives, government representatives, property owners, interested citizens and/or people from involved agencies and other institutions/organizations participate in this process. 

In a globally connected working environment, planners, architects and landscape designers encounter increasingly complex, transcultural and demanding professional challenges. Planning, designing and project implementation usually require additional competencies. Professionals have to work in a complex environment, where uncertainties and ambiguity prevail (VUCA environment- volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). 

All these require the use of various innovative methods to ensure inclusive and effective participation through stakeholder management in project development, management and evaluation phases. 

This seminar offers methods for participatory planning and stakeholder management. Both conventional face-to-face and digital methods will be introduced and explored. These include instruments of stakeholder analysis and management from the toolboxes of Participatory Learning and Action, Capacity Works (developed by GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Rapid Appraisal Methods, etc. 

Students acquire new methodological skills, compare them and apply selected methods in current and future student projects.

After discussions about the theoretical framework and input lectures, interactive exercises in virtual and face-to face formats are provided. Selected methods will be applied, e.g. by preparing, conducting, recording and analysing interviews with experts and focus groups and a digital role play simulating participatory processes in urban development. The seminar is designed in a hybrid way - with face-to-face, but also virtual components. It is offered in cooperation with the University of Mersin (Turkey) under the  DAAD IVAC – International Virtual Academic Cooperation- „Hybrid Teaching in Participatory Urban Planning“ Project. English skills are required. 


Der partizipative Ansatz in der Raumplanung zielt auf einen kollektiven Entscheidungsprozess, in dem jeder, der ein Interesse an der vorgeschlagenen Intervention hat, entweder persönlich oder durch Vertreter, seine Stimme erheben kann. Verschiedene Zielgruppen, Betroffene, Gemeindevertreter, Regierungsvertreter, Grundstückseigentümer, interessierte Bürger und/oder Personen von beteiligten Behörden und anderen Institutionen/Organisationen nehmen an diesem Prozess teil. 

In einer global vernetzten Arbeitswelt begegnen Planer, Architekten und Landschaftsplaner immer komplexere und interkulturell anspruchsvolle berufliche Herausforderungen. Planen, Entwerfen und Projektdurchführung erfordern von Fachleuten in der Regel zusätzliche Kompetenzen. Sie müssen in einem komplexen und fremden Umfeld arbeiten, wo zum Teil Unsicherheiten und Ambiguität herrschen (VUCA Umfeld– volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). 

All dies erfordert den Einsatz von verschiedenen innovativen Methoden zur Sicherstellung eine inklusiven und effektiven Beteiligung durch Stakeholder Management in Projektentwicklung und -management sowie in der Evaluierung. 

In diesem Seminar werden Methoden zur Partizipativen Planung und Stakeholder Management angeboten. Dabei werden sowohl analoge als auch digitale Methoden vermittelt und eingeübt. Dazu gehören: Instrumente zur Analyse und Management von Akteuren aus den Methodenkoffern von Participatory Learning and Action, Capacity Works (entwickelt von der GIZ – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), Rapid Appraisal Methods etc. 

Studierende erwerben neue Methodenkenntnisse, vergleichen diese und setzen ausgewählte Methoden in laufenden und zukünftigen Studierendenprojekten ein.

Nach Diskussionen über Theorien, Inputvorträgen und interaktiven Übungen in virtuellen und analogen Formaten werden ausgewählte Methoden angewendet, z.B. durch Vorbereitung, Durchführung, Protokollieren und Analyse von Interviews mit Fachleuten und Fokusgruppen sowie ein digitales Rollenspiel zur Simulation von partizipativen Prozessen in der Stadtentwicklung. Das Seminar ist für ein hybrides Format konzipiert – mit face-to-face-Kontakten, aber auch virtuellen Komponenten. Es wird in der Kooperation mit der Universität Mersin (Türkei) unter dem DAAD IVAC – International Virtual Academic Cooperation- „Hybrid Teaching in Participatory Urban Planning“ Projekt angeboten. Englischkenntnisse sind erforderlich. 

IVAC-International Virtual Academic Cooperation-Programm-Exkursion Cigli, Izmir/Türkei 26.03.-02.04-2022