Dieser Kurs richtet sich nur an die MitarbeiterInnen des FB07. 

Studierende schreiben sich bitte in den Kurs Grundlagenklausuren SoSe24 ein.

This course aims to explore digitalization of society from the standpoint of a socially responsible digital leadership. It develops a set of concepts, frameworks, and tools to help students understand how to make decisions related to digitalization that establish a meaningful balance between the enabling and constraining roles of ICT.  

The following areas of ”digital ethics” will be explored in the course:

  • Security (identification mechanisms, encryption, backups, hacking, etc.)
  • Cybercrime (robbery, identity theft, extortion, etc.)
  • Privacy (big data, etc.)
  • Social interaction (social technology, online communication, etc.)
  • Governance (rules, regulations, net neutrality, etc.)
  • Free will (how to use technology, algorithmic regulation, ethics of algorithms, etc.)
  • Society and economy (the digital revolution, smart machines eliminating jobs, autonomous technologies, etc.)

The following areas of digitalization from a societal perspective will be explored in the course:

  • Connections (Mobile Technology, Cloud Computing, the Internet of Everything, etc.)
  • Information (Big Data, Transparency, the Generation and Sharing of Information, etc.)
  • Interactions (Social Technology, Online Communities, Digital Platforms, Crowdsourcing, etc.)
  • Intelligence (Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Man-Machine Symbiosis, etc.)

The course employs a combination of case discussions and lectures.