Freies Studio mit eigenen Themenvorschlägen für Bachelor studierende, im abschließenden Semester vor der Bachelorarbeit, welche direkt an das Studio angeknüpft wird.

Themenschwerpunkt sollte die Bestandserhaltung durch Transformation/Umbau sein.

Form and force are two major factors in the understanding and designing of load bearing structures. The seminar will focus on structures whose design is driven by the interplay between form and force. This process is often referred to as form finding, and can be done with physical and/or digital methods. Form-found geometries are structurally efficient and therefore are often the basis of realizing elegant design in architecture. 

In the Form Finding Seminar structural typologies that require strategies to link the interaction between the form and the prevailing forces will be explained and analyzed. 

Through lectures, the students will be introduced to the theory and concepts behind the importance and development of form-finding methods and the corresponding structural typologies. Practical and hands-on experience with numerical form-finding tools and physical prototyping will be gained through a design task, individual for each student or per small groups. The design question should come mostly from students (say something about other ,other studios xx) and will then be worked out under the guidance of supervisors during the semester. Therefore, a high level of engagement on the topic together with a strong interest in parametric tools is expected. 

The seminar will be taught in English. The students should ideally have completed KG1 and KG3 in the Bachelor and visited one of the SpezielleTrako lectures. 

Requirement :  

Basic knowledge and interest in developing skills in Rhino + Grasshooper