The post-development approach is a critical lens for examining the limitations and failures of conventional development practices and ideologies. This seminar aims to provide students with a critical understanding of the post-development approach, its limitations, and its implications for gender and sexuality in development practices.

The seminar is organized in two main parts. The first part provides an overview of the limitations and failures of conventional development practices and ideologies. Here we will also outline the role of gender and sexuality in development, and the ways in which these concepts are addressed within the framework of post-development, from intersectional, neo-Marxist and decolonial perspectives.

The second part of the seminar concentrates on post-development practices. By discussing and analyzing case studies that are inspired by these perspectives, the seminar aims to provide a deeper understanding of the effects of development projects on women and LGBTQ+ communities and the experiences of marginalized groups. This section also seeks to emphasize the importance of generating alternatives to contextual challenges.