Since around 1900, the notion of youth has played a key role in transnational debates over reproduction, representation, social change and the agency of young people. The historian Bodo Mrozek succinctly called the twentieth century “a century of youth” due to the increased importance attached to adolescence. This seminar will examine the social and political relevance of various youth cultures that emerged at different points in British and North American history. Conventional definitions focus on the formation of adolescent lifestyles tied to fashion, music, sexuality, and consumer culture. However, youth cultures also made their presence felt in adult-led organizations such as the Boy Scouts or the Girl Guides. Particular attention will be paid not just to how young people emerged as historical actors in their own right but also to how these cultures produced different languages of youth that reflected conflicting visions of modernity. This seminar is recommended for advanced BA and Lehramt students.