The participating students are expected to attend the classes and reflecting seminar sessions regularly and to participate actively as it is a practical course. Each student has to organize one seminar session according to EFL principles on a didactic topic including a theoretical overview as well as a practical part in which the other students are required to be actively involved. All students of the SPS II are expected to read the required literature.

In pairs of two, students join one English class regularly at an allocated school working together with a mentor. They are asked to observe several aspects of teaching and learning English as a foreign language. After a period of observation, students should start teaching short sequences (e.g. an introduction to a lesson, a group work). Later they are expected to plan and teach complete lessons. There will be demonstration lessons, supervised by the instructor. As a precondition, students have to write an analysis of this lesson and hand it in before the demonstration. After teaching, there will be a reflection of the lesson together with the instructor and the mentor. Additionally, a written reflection is required which is part of the portfolio on which your mark will be based.

This is an interactive seminar, regular active participation is required. Most of the sessions will be held at university and school but due to Covid regulations some might also be available digitally.