In the seminar “advance programming”, programming projects based on Matlab programming will be assigned to students. By starting the semester, I will give a few lectures about Matlab programming, and the topics of projects will be fixed. The potential themes of the topics are related to optimization problems, eigenvalues and singular values, solving linear and nonlinear systems, numerical integration and differential, interpolation problems, solving system of differential-algebraic equations, solving system of delay differential equations, solving stiff ordinary differential equations, and solving system of partial differential equations using spectral, finite element, or spectral element methods.

Also, the topics of the projects in Matlab programming can be chosen by students in connection with their interests and main field of study.  Every two weeks, they need to present a short report about what they have done. Then we will discuss the problems that they are dealing with to find a solution to proceed further.

In the last month of the semester, they need to present their projects and be prepared for answering questions about the project. Also, they need to provide a handout before presenting their project.