British plays have come a long way from the broad variety of Shakespeare's theatre to drawing-room comedies of manners, kitchen sink dramas and in-yer-face theatre of the 20th and 21st century. This lecture provides a survey of - predominantly - 20th century drama, taking into consideration its roots as well as its contemporary 21st century representatives. I will deal with exemplary texts which emphasize literary developments, provide students with a historical and theoretical background and facilitate readings of chosen plays. This lecture will – among other things – assess the influence of 19th century on 20th century plays, as well as the impact of two world wars and the profound political, cultural, and social changes which shaped the last century. On the other hand, this lecture will be closely associated with the practice of drama - we will visit the Staatstheater and if possible, watch a performance together. Theatre pedagogy will be a part of the lecture; I am also thinking about an exkursion to another Staatstheater. (But at the time of writing this, I am still in the planning stages).