Crime and criminality are relative terms. They always reflect back on the society that defines them in the first place; that decides upon a construction after which some forms of behavior merit official attention and others do not. It might also impose its values, its stereotypes and its prejudices on any given definition of ‘crime’ and ‘criminality’. This seminar aims at discussing exemplary novels, short stories and films which focus on crime and which offer their very own definition and construction of criminality. Crime is an intersectional phenomenon, therefore some of the critical parameters of discussion will include nation, region, gender, institution, clichés, fictionalization, agency, biography, socialization, trauma, and ethics.

The seminar will also try to invite thinking outside the box. You’ll have to be motivated to leave the uni (metaphorically and actually) for ‘field trips’ in Kassel. As I am still in the planning stage, I cannot provide reliable information here, but a trip to the district court, discussions with people who professionally deal with crime and criminals; and other (non-criminal) activities might be included.