This is a compulsory course reserved for students of Faculty 07 / Business Law (Wirtschaftsrecht) running for two semesters.

The course is designed to meet the needs of university students studying in the field of Business Law. It aims to enable students to use the language efficiently and fluently during their academic studies and later in the performance of their professional duties. While particular focus is placed on the receptive skills (reading, listening) required for Business Law, the productive skills (speaking, writing) are also developed through preparatory work and communicative class time in the language.

There will be final written examinations covering listening and reading skills at the end of the Summer Semester; registration for the examinations via HIS-POS/eCampus will be necessary.

Organisational Matters:
This course will be taught remotely during the Winter Semester 20/21 via Moodle and in fortnightly web conference sessions via the ZOOM platform. You will receive access data to a Zoom video and audio meeting in time for the first session per E-Mail and require a computer, laptop or tablet with a good quality internet connection and a microphone and loudspeakers or headset. Details concerning the Moodle course will be announced in the first session. Information concerning the course format for Summer Semester 2021 will be published in due course.

Attendance Regulations:
Your attendance and active participation in the web conference sessions together with the required preparation and assignments set within the course via Moodle are prerequisites for registration for the final examinations at the end of the Summer Semester. The same attendance regulations apply if face-to-face sessions are possible and offered instead of web conference meetings in Summer Semester 2021.

Dieser Kurs schließt mit einem benoteten Leistungsnachweis ab.