Literacy is a highly important construct and one of the most significant predictors for school success.

Despite this importance there is still quite some discussion in how to best define and even more, assess and test literacy. 

Furthermore, it is a multi-facetted construct and certain factors have to be taken into account when trying to measure and evaluate literacy standards.

These are for example learner variables, such as cognitive ability, proficiency level in L1, L2 and further languages, motivation, reading experience, reading routines, attitudes towards education as well as gender, socio-cultural background, etc.

In this seminar we will first have a look at the literacy construct. We will then discuss how to best measure standards of literacy with respect to the CEFR and specific EFL in Hesse, concerning curricular demands, to evaluate authentic testing and/or assessment of students during the learning process e.g. class tests, as well as examples of the final oral and written exams this year (Landesabitur).