The seminar “Ukraine on its way to EU: selected topics” contains of three Blocks (Lecture part, seminar part and excursion-discussion part) and introduces students to the basics of European economics and scientific literature on integration of new EU Members. We will read a number of important contributions to these fields.

Students are expected to work through these contributions and consult additional sources whenever necessary. The course will be reading-intensive! Written assignments are kept to a minimum to keep the workload manageable.

Rules of the seminar:

1) The seminar is scheduled for weekly sessions (Mo 8- 12 a.m.) in presence. 2) Participation is mandatory in all sessions. 3) You are expected to prepare for the sessions by working through the mandatory readings. 4) To receive 6 ECTS, you need to

a.       give a short presentation on a basic concept, a long presentation on a specific paper and conduct a discussion with their fellow classmates about it.

b.      write an individual term paper (5-6 pages in English) on a topic related to the paper presented.

c.       make significant contributions to the discussions throughout the course.    
Non-presenters have to participate actively in the discussion, comment on the presentation and discuss the content of the papers in class.

d.      participate in the one-day excursion


5) The grade depends on the quality of the term paper, presentations and discussion. The term paper accounts for 50 % of the final grade. Presentations and discussions account for other 50% of the final grade. To pass the seminar, term paper, presentations and discussion have to be graded at least 4.0 (passed).

The application procedure and further information will be announced in moodle.

Im Rahmen des UKS_digi Projekts versuchen wir am IVWL Fach Quantitiave Methoden und Wirtschaft Übungsaufgaben für die Mathevorlesung der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler von Studierenden entwicklen zu lassen. Ziel ist es den Moodle-Kurs zur Gruppenarbeit und Feedbackrunden zu nutzen.