Seminar on Digital Transformation of Sustainable Supply Chains

Produktionsmanagement - Bachelor
Mi. 12:00 - 14:00, Diagonale 3, Hörsaal 2

The class will be a seminar, where you work on a research related topic.

Please look at the course 2024_SS_Research-Methods-for-Business for detailed information.

This will be a seminar for bachelor students.

At the beginning, we will give some introductions to scienfitic research, such as literature search, academic writing.

Then, you will have to write an essay, typically in a team of 3 students.

Topics will be available on time.

The class will focus on engaging students in research projects and processes, thereby linking theory to (empirical) research methods.

In SS 2024, we will also offer the following seminars, which can be combined with the Research Methods class.

  • Digital Transformation of Sustainable Supply Chains - Master, Dr. Oliver Bischoff
  • Circular Supply Chain Management - Master, Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring
  • Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies - Master, Lara Schilling, Sharfah Qazi
This way, you can collect 12 credits by writing a longer essay.
If you would only like to take 6 credits, we would plan that you work in a group of 3 students, so that we still have an overall workload allowing a more in-depth study.
All projects are outlined for 12 credits, yet we can adjust some of them.
(In a team, all students should go for the same workload!)

We offer research topics in line with the ongoing research and projects at the Chair of Supply Chain Management.
Please take a look at the topics provided.
We also provide information on how many students should work on such a project.

The class will be a seminar, where you work on a research related topic.

Please look at the 2024_SS_Research Methods for Business for detailed information.