Environmental concerns have become increasingly important in our world. Much of this is due to the fact that not only does society affect its natural environment—but our natural environment affects us as well. Perhaps the best example to this scenario is the phenomenon of global climate change and the social, ethical, economic and political as well as environmental consequences that will result from it. Possible consequences are realized in future climate projections produced by climate models.
Students gain analysis skills of climate model output data. Here, an overview of existing climate model data and their differences is given. The binary format of the data is discussed, how and with which software tools they can be analysed is introduced. The students are introduced to the Linux environment of the University of Kassel. They learn about the global climate system by solving exercises using the software.
After following this class, students:
- can work on the Linux envrionment
- know the climate data availability, how to access them and their format
- know and apply the software tools to analyse climate model data
- gain insights into the analysis of the global climate system
Students gain competences in climate science and learn to communicate in English language.

Einführung in die angewandte (Umwelt-)Chemie: Konzentriert sich auf die chemischen Prozesse, die die Verteilung und das Verhalten von Elementen, Molekülen und gelösten Stoffen in der Umwelt bestimmen. 

Der Kurs konzentriert sich insbesondere auf chemische Gleichgewichtsreaktionen, die dem Verhalten verschiedener Stoffklassen zugrunde liegen. Der Inhalt umfasst alle drei großen Umweltkompartimente: die Hydrosphäre, die Atmosphäre und die Lithosphäre.